news & insights

The podcast: Minus Million Dollar Idea

Made with and made for the Malmö tech community. An honest podcast about startups and people who make it and break it.


The IoT blog

We share our thoughts on the current state and future of IoT economy as a contributor to the world biggest IoT blog :
You can find and read our articles and even more on Ben’s Medium channel.

in Frenchin English

Marketing tips for startups, on Instagram

Thinking of start-up founders and young marketers working in the tech industry, we regularly publish so-called carousels delivering a digestible insight.




Our blog posts focus on IoT basics and vulgarisation. They are specifically aimed at students, non-engineers and everyone interested in the IoT world. On, you can read posts focused in particular on smart villages and the application of IoT in the rural areas.

September 2021

What kind of marketing do you need for your deep tech company?

Each startup company should have a different approach to marketing, which will depend on its field and its product maturity.

Read on Medium

December 2020

nanotechnology impacts every IoT pain points

There is a point where tech revolutions meet and amplify each other. Nanotechnology will be a far bigger game-changer for IoT than 5G.

Read on Iot For All

November 2020

Last-Mile Delivery in Rural Areas

The last-mile of delivery is the most costly part of the process, both in urban and rural areas, for different reasons. traffic congestion is the first and large distances are the second case.

Read on Iot For All

October 2020

Navigating IoT regulations in the EU

Most companies see public decision processes — law and norms — as a black box for read-only. Although organising a huge and long lobbying campaign is likely to be both uncertain and expensive, it doesn’t mean you have to be disconnected from this world.

Read on Medium

September 2020

The third place as a catalyst for the smart city

An initial American concept, the third-place (or tiers-lieu in French) becomes an essential link to the smart city transition projects in France. It acts as an igniter and catalyst to developing smart villages projects.

Read on Medium

August 2020

IoT retrofitting will be another popular B2C

Several concomitant cultural trends are setting up the basis for the rise of IoT retrofitting business: how to give a second life to “dumb -but fancy- objects”.

Read on Iot For All

June 2020

The smallest smart city in the world

Is there a minimum size requirement to deploy an IoT framework to become a smart city? A tiny French village of only 1500 inhabitants proves there isn’t.

Read on Iot For All

June 2020

Scandinavian Medium-Sized Cities Approach to IoT

In the southwest of Sweden, only 15 minutes drive from the regional capital Malmö, Lund developed an interesting approach to IoT public usability.

Read on Iot For All

March 2020

Who should get ready for Wifi 6?

Not a day passes without news about the 5G network. But the Covid-19 crisis has reminded us that the most used wireless technology is still the good old Wifi. .And speaking of it, its latest version is round the corner: Wifi 6 — for 6 GHz.

Read on Medium

February 2020

The brand new jobs created by IoT

Sensors cleaner, IoT chatting regulator, Data visual populariser, IoT coroner...Those entirely new jobs are created by the explosion and democratization of IoT in all sectors of the economy and our lives.

Read on Medium

January 2020

4 IoT business models in 2020

IoT items are intrinsically connected and produce data, which allows several and new ways to develop a viable business model. In this article, I want to focus on the 4 main widely used models, but keep in mind that this is evolving constantly.

Read on Medium